Pagetitle |
| Integration between Promobot Control/ V.4 Concierge and ACS |
| Integration between Promobot Control/ V.4 Concierge and ACS |
ACS - Access Control and management System
To integrate Promobot Control and ACS, you need to implement a service for accessing ACS methods and specify the address of this service in the settings. You can see the swagger-description of the methods by following the link:
Special information about some of the methods: CheckAccessByPersonInfo . Required parameters are only name and surname. Passing other parameters is needed only when specific configuration of system was made. What is why it is recommended to ignore empty or null parameters while searching requests. Please ignore case while string comparison as well.CreateVisitWithoutRequest . The same as the previous.
GenerateAccessQRCode requires data (visitor's temperature and time of visit) as well as methods CreatePass and CreateVisitWithoutRequest because it can be needed to generate QR-code. It is not recommended to pass the strings over 150 characters because of image size limits.
The service should provide the following methods: Method name | Brief description | When required |
GetCardholderInfo | Get information about cardholder by CardID | When you enabled entrance by pass card feature | CheckAccessByPersonInfo | Check the ability to enter by visitor's identity data | Always | CreatePass | Record the fact of entrance by the found request | When it is needed to record the fact of entrance in ACS | CreateVisitWithoutRequest | Record the fact of entrance by visitor's identity data in free entrance mode* | When you enabled free entrance mode* and when it is needed to record the fact of entrance in ACS | GenerateAccessQRCode | Get string to generate QR-code for paper pass | When you enabled entrance by paper pass feature | BlockCard | Block card if visitor's temperature is too high | When you enabled entrance by pass card feature and when it is needed to block card if visitor's temperature is too high | ActivateCard | Activate card if visitor's temperature is normal | When you enabled entrance by pass card feature and when it is needed to activate cardif visitor's temperature is normal | GetCompaniesInfo | Get list of companies and employees | When you enabled choice of destination feature and when there is no request |
*Free entrance - when request is not needed.
The method calling scheme is shown in the following figure: Image Added